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  • Predictors and Modulators of Immuno suppression among institutionalized vulnerable population in the era of COVID’19 pandemic

Predictors and Modulators of Immuno suppression among institutionalized vulnerable population in the era of COVID’19 pandemic

Principal Researchers: AgwuE, Hope O,Dafiewhare O, Ezeonwumelu JOC, Moazam ML, Sarah O, AdebayoI A On-Going

Duration: June 2020– January 2021
Research Objectives:

To identify and critically analyze bio markers of immuno suppression and respiratory distress  syndromes for use a spredictors of Sub-Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus2,(SARS-COV2) infection among vulnerable population (Diabetes. HIV. Tuberculosis and Malaria) long before disease becomes overt.

Nature of Research output:

Journal Articles, Policy Guide, Possible clinical trials