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KIU Explorer of the Day: Ahereza's Choice to Join KIU was a Race Winner


By Isaac Akugizibwe

KIU Main Campus - When Amphlet Aheereza - a second year student of Social Work and Social Administration - joined KIU in January 2020, most of her high school classmates were either in villages waiting for the April or August intake, and if not, trying to figure out the University they would join. With one year ahead of them and another short of her dream, Ahereza will never regret her choice.

In March 2020, the Government of Uganda, through President Museveni, advised all learning institutions to suspend physical lectures as a direct measure of fighting the then-surging COVID-19 cases worldwide - a move that would stagnate Ahereza's academic journey pushing her semester to as far as August. It was KIU's swift introduction of online learning that came to her rescue.

 "I think joining KIU in January 2020 was the best decision I made but the introduction of online learning was the only way I survived turning into a laughing stock by those I left behind," she said. 

"Online lectures really helped us to save time. I think it is the best reason why I am in second year now," she added.

After writing her last exam of the semester on Thursday 16th December 2021, Ahereza realised that there was need to rejoice. Her academic dream of becoming a social worker seemed closer than ever. She wants to be a distinguished social worker - one capable of transforming society as a whole.

"Now I am in my second year, and that means I have one year left to go out and start exploring the heights as a distinguished social worker," Ahereza stated.

If learning were a race, Ahereza would now be raising her hands with her eyes wide open as she aims for the finishing line. Her high school classmates would be trailing at a distance behind with some even probably thinking of giving up. For learning is but a hectic race which requires passion, commitment, hardwork, and making the right choices.

Despite being joyful for keeping pace with years in pursuit of her dream, Ahereza has also had a fair share of the effects of the unfriendly COVID-19. Most disappointing is that she is yet to enjoy the proverbial "campus life".

"I am yet to enjoy campus life as my friends used to tell me. People used to tell me that there are several activities at campus, like the fresher's ball, cultural gala, and games but I have never seen any," she lamented.

Ahereza is hopeful for a better 2022. She is optimistic about witnessing the social life of campus but as new cases of COVID-19 continue to emerge with the new variant Omicron spreading like wildfire, her hope faces a test of time.