
Title: Assessing intentional human insider threat mitigation in ugandan Universities
Author(s): Businge Phelix Mbabazi, Dr. Jehopio Peter and Dr. JWF Muwanga–Zake
Year 2016
Publisher: Global journal of engineering science and researches ISSN 2348 – 8034
File: PDF
Keywords: Insider threats Intentional Human Insider threats Mitigation Measures Universities

used in the universities in Uganda. The data was collected using survey method. Sampling from ICT Staff members and heads of Departments in charge of handling institutional data. The questionnaires were distributed to 212 respondents purposively selected respondents from different Nine (9) Universities in Uganda. Reliability and validity tests of the instrument was carried out and were found to be above the recommended values and Descriptive statistics and coefficient of Variation were used to analyze these constructs.

The study found out that Using of secondary storage devices like flash discs, CD, Hard disks and Sharing of secondary storage devices like flash discs, CD, Hard disks, and Working on a mobile device e.g. laptop while travelling, Using of personally owned mobile devices were top threats and the following measures were assessed Technological measures, Deterrence measures were partly implemented , Integration and commitment and Background Information Check of Users were sometimes

implemented . Its recommend to further investigate on the other intentional mitigation measure which can be used in mitigating other insider threats for example hackers and none human threats to information security such natural disasters and systems failures.