KIU Medical Student Receives ICASA Awards

  • Prisca Prisca
  • December 6, 2019, 10:51 pm
KIU Medical Student Receives ICASA Awards

By Prisca Adaeze Nenger

A final year Medical student of Kampala International University Western Campus (KIU-WC); Musah Lumumba Nasoor within the week, was honoured with the Michel Sidibe Global Leadership Award, during the 20th International Conference on AIDS and STI in Africa (ICASA) that took place at Kigali, Rwanda, from 2nd to 7th December 2019, under the theme: 'AIDS FREE AFRICA - Innovation, Community, and Political Leadership'.

The Michel Sidibe Global Leadership Award was presented to Lumumba in recognition of his tireless efforts with young people and Medical students in addressing HIV, Mental health and Sexual reproductive Health in Uganda.

Lumumba, previously served as an African Youth advisor to the Point 7 delegation to the Global Fund Board and as well an African Youth Delegate to the Board that governs the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS - UNAIDS PCB from Jan 2016 - December 2018.

câ¬Ĺ?Icâ¬â?cm so excited and feel so honoured but as well challenged to live up to the taskc⬝ Nasoor spoke excitedly.

The 2019 ICASA like as always is an opportunity for the international community, and all Africans, to join efforts in committing to achieving an AIDS-free Africa. During this annual event, over 7,000 of the worldcâ¬â?cs leading scientists, policymakers, activists, PLHIV, government leaders, as well as a number of Heads of State and representatives from civil society organizations, lent their voices on how to achieve the ICASA vision.

ICASA 2019 Objectives

câ¬c To promote community, scientific, and technological innovations for ending AIDS.

câ¬c To advocate for financing sustainable national health responses, political leadership, and accountability.

câ¬c To advocate for strengthened health systems and multi-sectoral collaboration to integrate co-morbidities, emerging infections and NCDs.

câ¬c To rethink gender norms, human rights-based approaches and inclusion towards equitable and accessible HIV and AIDS services including Key populations.

câ¬c To promote youth-driven and youth-friendly approaches for an AIDS-free generation.

The management and staff of KIU, therefore, congratulate and celebrate our student, for exploring the heights and also making the university proud!

By Kasasa Ali,

Minister of Information and Public Relations - Guild Union, KIU Western Campus

See also