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KIUPSA Holds School of Pharmacy Students Annual General Assembly

KIUPSA  Holds School of Pharmacy Students Annual General Assembly

KIU, Western Campus – The KIU Pharmacy Students Association (KIUPSA) held its annual general assembly with students of the School of Pharmacy.

The assembly, which attracted over 650 students, was held on September 12 and it was meant to update Pharmacy students about KIUPSA activities and plans for the School’s students’ body.

It was graced by administrators and lecturers from pharmacy school such as the Dean, Prof. Kasturi Veerabhadrappa, Associate Dean Dr.Mercy Gladys Tenywa, Patron KIUPSA Dr. Joseph Ezeonwumelu , Dr. Daniel Chans, Dr.Nuru Mugide and Dr. Jackie Muciri among others.

Students were informed about the new updates in policies and upcoming events of KIUPSA such as the KIUPSA dinner, the annual pharmacy week.

According to the President of KIUPSA Joshua Fred Mangen, students were informed about the importance and significance of the Pharmacy Week, which will have activities like a health run, community cleaning, zebra crossing painting, a botanical garden engagement day, sports activities, products exhibitions, blood donation, a car wash day for fundraising, a conference day, pharmaceutical journal launch and an Alumni convention.

“As KIUPSA continues to uphold the roles and advocacy for students, we welcomed the new students in a special way and encouraged the students to engage in all activities that are always organized,” Mangen told this website.

The KIUPSA students’ Annual General Assembly is one of the most important School of Pharmacy students gatherings and it helps to bring students and their students executive together.

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