Academic Programmes

Economics, Masters

About the Programme

The program is designed for working professionals, the candidates participate in a cohort consisting of administrative teams that address a practical case study while building capacity in areas of leadership equity and excellence; transformational change; collaborative decision making; inquire and reflective practice. Such interactions will develop candidates’ skills and knowledge base to solve practical problems encountered in educational organizations.


The School of Post Graduate and Research of Kampala International University is consciously aware that to be able to serve and indeed survive effectively in the rapidly changing competitive environment, the academic programmes offered must be designed and developed with the clear aim of meeting high academic and professional standards of the qualifications and products of the University.

The School like in any other institution of higher learning, must live up to this challenge by offering well articulated courses that will provoke the post graduates to explore the heights in search for solutions to the many problems currently bedeviling our education sector and the society as a whole. The School believes that teacher education (the teacher being the most significant resource in learning), is the footstool for developing the people, the society and the economy. Indeed, the country has consistently been having an acute shortage of teachers in various levels of education.