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GHSO Partners With KIU To Sensitize Community on Setting SMART Goals


KIU, Main Campus câ¬â?? On 26th February 2020, Global Human Salvage Organization (GHSO) hosted a life skills event under the theme: SMART Goals for a Better Life.c⬠The event was facilitated by Dr Mahmoud Zayed, the Director of Learning and Development at Global Human Salvage Organization. Dr Zayed is also an international sales marketing consultant. 

câ¬Å?The purpose of this workshop was to prepare our students for the world of work, as most of them have about two semesters to finish school. Itcâ¬â?cs essential to make smart goals in preparation for the future and improve all aspects of their lives like leadership. Education is both formal and informal, and so this particular event covers the informal part,c⬠said Prof Chukwuemeka Jude Diji, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research, Innovation, Consultancy and Extension (DVC - RICE).

This session was led by Dr Mahmoud Zayeed, a sales and marketing consultant from GHSO, one of the largest database companies in the world.

câ¬Å?We are happy to have been given the invitation to share these skills with the students, which we hope that they will implement in all the spheres of their lives. Smart goals, soft skills,  and focus are very crucial in onecâ¬â?cs journey to success,c⬠stated Dr Mahmoud.

The students were also advised always to write down their goals and share them with other people like their mentors so they can get feedback on how they are progressing.