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KIU Main Campus Responds to COVID-19 Pandemic


KIU, Main Campus - With the COVID-19 Pandemic raging across the world, KIU is pushing a campaign to wash hands in a bid to avoid catching the disease. On 17th March 2020, the university put up a group called the c��?The Anti-Corona Virus Fighting Teamc��?c to help in the sensitization campaign.

The General Security Supervisor at KIU has asked students, staff, administrators and other stakeholders including visitors to intensify efforts to prevent COVID -19 infections by responding to the handwashing campaign. 

Afande Byabasaijja Tinka said, "I urge whoever accesses the university premises to wash their hands with the liquid soap at the different access points within the university.c��?cc��?c 

Byabasaijja went ahead to share the other simple measures that can be applied to prevent cases of Corona Virus, including avoiding close contact with people, avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, and using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Cranmer Kalinda, a third-year student in the School of Economics, commended KIU for implementing this preventive measure against the COVID-19 pandemic, and he called upon all students to embrace it because it is for the good of their heath.

c��?c��?cI want to thank KIU on this one and pray that its remains sustainable until the world declares itself free of Colona Virus,c��?cc��?c Cranmer said.

Meanwhile, Bagatejje Ivan, a Security Officer, has stressed that the University is will, apparently for a while, be using the Main Gate for all entrances and the Main Exit for exits.

c��?c��?cWe have temporarily closed the other gates that lead through the Girls Hostel and that at the pitchside for us to use the safer gates,c��?cc��?c he said.