Whatcâ¬â?cs Happening Today?
International Systems Engineers Day. Systems engineers make enormous contributions to the world as we know it every single day, allowing us to live the increasingly comfortable lives we are accustomed to, and neither our personal nor our professional lives would be the same without them. Systems engineers work on numerous complex projects: spacecraft design, computer chip design, robotics, software integration, and bridge-building. The computer youcâ¬â?cre using right now to read this article would not exist if it werencâ¬â?ct for systems engineers,
Teachercâ¬â?cs Day (Spain). This holiday was established to commemorate Joseph Calasanz, Catholic priest, educator and the patron saint of the first popular Christian school in Europe. At the age of 14 he determined to become a priest, but his parents didn't support his choice. Calasanz chose philosophy and law to study at the University of Lleida, where he obtained a degree of Doctor of Laws. Then he continued his theological education at the University of Valencia.
What Happened Today?
1. In 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will which called for his estate and fortune that he made as the inventor of dynamite to be used for creating awards for those who contributed to the benefit of mankind. The will created 5 awards - in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace, and was signed in the Swedishcâ¬â??Norwegian Club in Paris.
2. In 1989, 21-month old Alyssa Smith became the first person to receive a liver transplant from a living donor, her mother Teresa Smith at the University of Chicago Medical Center. The transplant occurred under the supervision of surgeons Christoph Broelsch, Richard Thistlethwaite, Thomas Heffron, and Jean Emond.
3. In 2005, the worldcâ¬â?cs first successful partial face transplant was carried out. Doctors Bernard Devauchelle, Benoit Lengel?©, and Jean-Michel Dubernard used donor tissue to reconstruct the face of Isabelle Dinoire in Amiens, France. Isabelle Dinoirecâ¬â?cs face had been mauled by a dog.
1. 1980 - Bruce Lee, Hong Kong American actor, director, martial artist, martial arts instructor and philosopher.
2. 1980 câ¬â?? Juliana Kanyomozi, legendary Ugandan songstress.
Sources: Wikipedia, checkiday, bornglorious & daysoftheyear.com
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