KIU Holds Orientation for August Intake Postgraduate Students
September 16, 2024, 4:24 am
KIU, Western Campus – KIU Western Campus has today September 15 held an orientation exercise for its Masters in Medicine students in the Conference Hall of KIU Teaching Hospital.
The orientation, which was meant to enlighten the students about what to expect and what is expected of them during the duration of their course, was attended by students who will be specializing in general practice, surgery, paediatrics, psychiatry, and obstetrics.
It was graced by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of KIU Teaching Hospital Dr. Umi Bunu (in the picture), the Deputy Director Clinical Services Dr. Ahmed Kiswezi Kazigo, Deputy Director Medical Services Dr. Charlotte Aguthi, Head of Department Paediatrics Prof. Martin Ndiwumana and the Director of Academic Affairs Joe Mutebi, among others.
In her remarks, Dr. Umi welcomed the students to the Masters programme and implored them to be disciplined throughout the course, advising them to always heed advice especially that of their elders in the medical field.
”If you are not in proper dressing code like in the lab where you have to put on a clinical coat, especially my dear Muslim ladies, the Hijabs you are putting on must have an embedded clinical coat,” Dr. Umi remarked.
She also told them to abide by the rules and regulations in place.
“Whether you are self-sponsored or on the Staff Development Scheme (a program at KIU which allows staff members to upgrade on a scholarship scheme), you must follow the rules. If you are supposed to clock in, you must come and clock in,” she warned.
Dr. Umi also advised the students to always seek for counsel from any of their lecturers where need be, regardless of whether they teach them or not because all of them are parents and their advice can come in handy.
Photo: Collins Kakwezi
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Box 20000, Ggaba Road, Kansanga, Kampala