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KIU Western Campus steps up Corona virus Controls


KIU Western Campus – Kampala International University Western campus and its Teaching Hospital have put in place measures to prevent COVID-19, the now global pandemic from spreading to the University.

Hand washing centres with sanitizing liquid have been set up at the entrances of both the campus and the Teaching Hospital, with everyone entering, required to wash their hands before being allowed inside.

The University security guards are on site manning the washing centres, as the university looks to steer clear of the disease, which is caused by the Coronavirus that has devastated its epicentre, Wuhan in China, as well as other parts of Asia and Europe. 

The disease has also been confirmed to have spread to North America and large parts of Africa, including neighbours, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor for KIU Western Campus Prof. Jude Diji Chukwuemeka, who’s sitting in for Prof. Patrick Kyamanywa, currently on leave, welcomed the development.

“Setting up the washing centres is good because it makes people aware that there is a global crisis, and as a University, our role is to create awareness about such things.”, Prof. Chukwuemeka said.

Acting Principal Nursing Officer, Muhammad Musa said they had set up the washing centres to ensure patients and students alike were prevented from possible infection.

“This virus can spread very fast and you never know who could come in with it. So, everyone coming in and out the hospital has to wash their hands to reduce the risk of the disease infecting our people.”, Musa said.

By the time of publication, many places like banks, hotels and some churches had set up hand washing centres as well.