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Staff Spotlight: An insight into who Dr Ayodeji Awobamise is


Dr Ayodeji Awobamise is an Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. He is also the Associate Dean (Research) in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. He holds a PhD in Communication and Media Management. 

We caught up with and asked him to give us an insight into his life, what motivates him, and what drives him daily. He had this to say;

1. Tell us about yourself?

My name is Ayodeji Awobamise. I hold a PhD in Communication and Media Management, and a Masters and Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication.

2. Who is your most substantial influence?

My elder brother. He is currently a Medical Doctor working in the United Kingdom. He taught me how to take risks. Before, I had a job offer in Nigeria, but he asked me to come to Uganda and do something different. He told me I would always go back to Nigeria because it's home. I don't regret my decision at all because my career has moved faster than it could have in Nigeria. My brother is a go-getter and very optimistic.

Professionally, it is my former lecturer Dr Okir. He always attended to students nicely and by then I was in year one. It is because of him that I decided to take on Advertising and Public Relations.

3. What led to your career?

I was a Banker in Nigeria, but I left and went into the IT industry. While there, I didn't like the idea of working for someone. I always wanted to do a PhD so one morning I woke up and told mum I was resigning. It didn't even matter if I had an alternative. After a week, I received a call announcing my admission for a PhD. I had applied for a long time ago. Everything worked out for me.

4. How would your friends and acquaintances describe you?

(Laughs) Most people would describe me as an easy-going person, but those who don't know me think I am unapproachable and this pains me because I know I am a friendly person.

5. What are you proud of accomplishing?

I am proud of my PhD. I also won the Best Lecturer Award in 2018 and I was delighted.

6.  If you had a chance, what would you change?

I would have taken an extra year before going for my PhD because it influenced many of my decisions. I rushed into it. I mean I was already working but I worry a lot, and once I want something, I always go for it.

7.  What are your ambitions for five to ten years from now?

Five years from now, I will be a full professor. Ten years from now, I want to venture into politics. I am building a legacy for my children. A stable career of which my children will be proud.

8. What is it like to work for KIU?

To be sincere, it feels great. Some people might think itc��?cs a lie. But I like to believe KIU has been a big blessing to my career. Like I said, what I have achieved while here could be impossible in Nigeria. I have achieved quite a lot in KIU. The people who work with KIU get even better jobs easily.

9. What would you tell the fresh graduates out there?

Keep applying and don't give up. Try to better yourself. To pursue a Masters in your field and if it comes to the worst, volunteer. Do short courses because they add up to your Curriculum Vitae, which will make you a whole package that employers love.


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